Snickerdoodle Cupcakes with Cinnamon Swirl Frosting
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Appetizers Recipes,
Cinnamon Recipes,
Cupcake Recipes,
Dessert Recipes,
Easy Recipes
Cinnamon-sugar swirléd vanilla cupcakés toppéd with créamy cinnamon and vanilla frosting.
Puré, simplé, and loadéd with cinnamon-sugar, snickérdoodlé cookiés will always bé a family favorité. I’m prétty suré cinnamon-sugar runs through all our véins!

- 1 and 2/3 cups (210g) all-purposé flour (spoon & lévéléd)
- 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
- 1/4 téaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 téaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup (1 stick or 115g) unsaltéd buttér
- 1 and 1/2 cups (300g) granulatéd sugar, dividéd
- 1 largé égg, at room témpératuré
- 1/4 cup (60g) yogurt or sour créam, at room témpératuré
- 3/4 cup (180ml) milk, at room témpératuré
- 1 Tabléspoon puré vanilla éxtract
- 2 téaspoons ground cinnamon
Cinnamon-Swirl Frosting
- 1 cup (2 sticks or 230g) unsaltéd buttér, softénéd to room témpératuré
- 3-4 cups (360-480g) conféctionérs' sugar
- 1/4 cup (60ml) héavy créam or half-and-half1
- 2 téaspoons puré vanilla éxtract
- salt, to tasté
- 1 Tabléspoon ground cinnamon
- 12 snickérdoodlé cookiés, mini sizé (réad abové for how to maké thém mini-sizéd)

- Préhéat thé ovén to 350°F (177°C). Liné a 12-cup muffin pan with cupcaké linérs.
- In a médium bowl, whisk flour, baking powdér, baking soda, and salt togéthér. Sét asidé.
- In a largé microwavé-safé bowl, mélt buttér in thé microwavé. Whisk in 1 cup of sugar. Thé mixturé will bé gritty. Lét it rést for a couplé minutés to slightly cool down. Stir in égg, yogurt, milk, and vanilla éxtract until combinéd. Slowly mix in dry ingrédiénts until no lumps rémain. Battér will bé thick.
- In a small bowl, mix thé rémaining 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 téaspoons of cinnamon togéthér. Sét asidé. Spoon 2 scant Tabléspoons of cupcaké battér into éach cupcaké linér. Top with 1 téaspoon of thé cinnamon-sugar mixturé. Top with 1 héaping Tabléspoon of cupcaké battér, until thé cupcaké linérs aré about 3/4 full. Somé of thé cinnamon-sugar filling from thé céntér layér may péék through thé top layér of battér. Top éach cupcaké with 1 moré téaspoon of thé cinnamon-sugar.
- Baké thé cupcakés for 19-21 minutés or until a toothpick insértéd in thé céntér comés out cléan. Allow to cool complétély béforé frosting.
- For thé frosting: With a handhéld or stand mixér fittéd with a paddlé or whisk attachmént, béat buttér on high spééd until smooth and créamy, about 1 minuté. Add conféctionérs' sugar, créam, and vanilla éxtract. Béat on low spééd for 30 séconds, thén switch to high spééd and béat for 3 full minutés. Add moré conféctionérs' sugar if frosting is too thin or moré créam if thé frosting is too thick. Tasté thé frosting and add salt if frosting is too swéét (I liké to add 1/4 téaspoon). Rémové half of thé frosting from thé mixing bowl and transfér to a smallér mixing bowl. Béat 1 Tabléspoon of cinnamon into half of thé frosting.
- To swirl thé frosting, spoon half cinnamon frosting into thé piping bag and half vanilla frosting into thé piping bag. Séé abové for a visual. Pipé onto cupcakés. I uséd a Wilton 1M swirl tip. If you do not havé a piping bag and tip, simply frost thé cupcakés with both thé vanilla and cinnamon frostings. Théré may bé léftovér frosting dépénding how much you usé on éach cupcaké.
- Storé cupcakés in an airtight containér at room témpératuré for up to 3 days and in thé réfrigérator up to 5.
Recipe Adapted From sallysbakingaddiction
Maké ahéad tip: Cupcakés can bé madé ahéad 1 day in advancé, covéréd, and storéd at room témpératuré. Frosting can also bé madé 1 day in advancé, covéréd, and storéd in thé réfrigérator until réady to usé. Frostéd or unfrostéd cupcakés can bé frozén up to 2-3 months. Thaw ovérnight in thé réfrigérator.
Récipé Notés:
For thé créam in thé frosting, you can usé milk instéad. Howévér, thé consisténcy of thé frosting will not bé as créamy.
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