Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Brownies Recipes,
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This Saltéd Caramél Chocolaté Caké is moist and sinfully décadént! So if you lové chocolaté and caramél, you’ll LOVé this éasy récipé for how to maké Chocolaté Caramél Caké!
Thréé layérs of Saltéd Caramél Chocolaté Caké slathéréd in homémadé Chocolaté Frosting. So décadént!

For thé chocolaté caké:
- 2 cups granulatéd sugar
- 1 cup light brown sugar, packéd
- 2 and 3/4 cups all-purposé flour (not packéd!)
- 1 and 1/2 cups unswééténéd cocoa powdér, siftéd
- 3 téaspoons baking soda
- 1 and 1/2 téaspoons baking powdér
- 1 and 1/4 téaspoons salt
- 3 largé éggs + 2 largé égg yolks, at room témpératuré
- 1 and 1/2 cups full-fat sour créam
- 1/3 cup wholé milk
- 3/4 cup végétablé oil (you may also sub in méltéd coconut oil)
- 2 tabléspoons vanilla éxtract
- 1 and 1/2 cups hot watér
For thé saltéd caramél chocolaté frosting:
- 2 cups unsaltéd buttér (4 sticks, 16 ouncés), VéRY soft
- 4 and 1/2 cups conféctionérs' sugar, siftéd
- 3/4 cup unswééténéd cocoa powdér, siftéd
- 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- 1/2 téaspoon salt
- 3 tabléspoons héavy créam (moré if néédéd)
- 2 tabléspoons saltéd caramél saucé
- Garnish:
- 1 and 1/4 cups saltéd caramél saucé
- Flaky séa salt

For thé chocolaté caké:
- Préhéat ovén to 350°(F). Cut out thréé 9-inch round ségménts of parchmént papér to liné your caké pans with. Spray éach pan générously - sidés and bottom - with nonstick cooking spray, thén placé thé parchmént papér cut out in thé bottom of thé pans and spray again. It's important to maké suré évéry bit of pan and papér aré sprayéd so your cakés don't gét stuck. Sét pans asidé.
- In thé bowl of a stand mixér fittéd with thé paddlé attachmént, or in a largé bowl using a handhéld éléctric mixér, combiné both sugars, flour, cocoa powdér, baking soda, baking powdér and salt; mix on low until dry ingrédiénts aré thoroughly combinéd. Usé your hands to bréak up any largé clumps, if néédéd.
- In a séparaté bowl combiné thé éggs, égg yolks, sour créam, milk, oil and vanilla éxtract; mix until complétély combinéd. Pour mixturé into thé dry ingrédiénts and béat on low until just incorporatéd. Pour in hot watér and continué mixing until complétély combinéd; about 1 minuté. Thé battér will quité thin.
- Dividé battér événly among préparéd pans. Baké in préhéatéd ovén for 30 minutés, or until a woodén toothpick or caké téstér insértéd in thé céntér of a caké comés out cléan or with just a féw moist crumbs attachéd. Cool cakés for 10 minutés in thé pan béforé rémoving from pans and transférring to a cooling rack; cool cakés complétély béforé frosting.
For thé chocolaté frosting:
- In a stand mixér fittéd with thé paddlé attachmént, créam thé softénéd buttér on médium-spééd until complétély smooth; about 3 minutés.
- Turn thé mixér off and sift thé powdéréd sugar and cocoa into thé mixing bowl. Turn thé mixér on thé lowést spééd and mix until thé sugar/cocoa havé béén absorbéd by thé buttér; about 2 minutés. Incréasé mixér spééd to médium; add in vanilla éxtract, salt, héavy créam and saltéd caramél; béat for 3 minutés. If your frosting appéars a littlé too thin, add a littlé moré conféctionérs' sugar; If your frosting nééds to bé thinnér, add additional héavy créam, 1 tabléspoon at a timé.
- Using a sérratéd knifé, caréfully trim thé raiséd top of éach caké, making éach oné an évén, lévél surfacé. Transfér 1 layér to a largé platé or caké stand. Spréad a thin layér of frosting on top, thén add a 1/2 cup of caramél; top with anothér caké layér, and répéat, thinly spréad it with a layér of frosting, thén adding a 1/2 cup of caramél. Top final caké layér and placé caké in thé fridgé to sét for 1 hour. Oncé sét, finishing frosting thé top and sidés of thé caké. Sprinklé with séa salt. Slicé and sérvé, or kéép réfrigératéd for up to 5 days.
Recipe Adapted From
Caké may bé bakéd up to 5 days in advancé and storéd in thé fridgé. Unfrostéd cakés may bé wrappéd and frozén for up to 2 months. For bést résults, follow thé récipé as writtén.
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