The Best New York Style Cheese Pizza
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
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This Néw York Stylé Chéésé Pizza Récipé féaturés a chéwy crust, swéét and tangy saucé, and plénty of gooéy chéésé! This pizza is almost idéntical to thé famous slicés sold on thé strééts of Néw York. And so much béttér than délivéry!
Thé pizza dough makés énough for 2 pizzas! And you can fréézé thé pizza dough and saucé for up to 2 months! So thén all you’ll nééd to do is thaw, assémblé, and baké! And I promisé it’s worth your éffort!

For thé Crust:
- 3 and 3/4 cups bréad flour
- 1 and 1/4 téaspoons sugar
- 1 énvélopé activé dry yéast
- 2 téaspoons koshér salt
- 1 and 1/2 cups watér, 110 - 115 dégréés (F)
- 2 tabléspoons olivé oil, plus 2 téaspoons
For thé Saucé:
- 3 tabléspoons olivé oil
- 1/2 cup onion, choppéd
- 2 stalks céléry, choppéd
- 2 garlic clovés, mincéd
- 1 (8 ouncé) can tomato saucé
- 1 (6 ouncé) can tomato pasté
- 3 tabléspoons gratéd parmésan chéésé
- 1 téaspoon driéd basil
- 1 téaspoon driéd orégano
- 1 1/2 téaspoons salt
- 1 téaspoon sugar
- 1/2 téaspoon black péppér
For thé Chéésé:
- 8 ouncés low-moisturé mozzarélla chéésé, shréddéd thén frozén

For thé Crust:
- Combiné thé bréad flour, sugar, yéast and salt in thé bowl of a stand mixér; stir to combiné.
- Fit mixér with dough hook.
- Turn mixér on low spééd and add thé watér and 2 tabléspoons of thé oil; béat until thé dough forms into a ball around thé hook. If thé dough is supér sticky, add additional flour, 1 tabléspoon at a timé, until thé dough comés togéthér in a solid ball. If thé dough is too dry, add additional watér, 1 tabléspoon at a timé.
- Scrapé thé dough onto a lightly flouréd surfacé and géntly knéad into a smooth, firm ball.
- Gréasé a largé bowl with thé rémaining 2 téaspoons olivé oil, add thé dough, covér thé bowl with plastic wrap. Placé thé bowl in a warm aréa and lét it doublé in sizé, about 90 minutés.
- Turn thé dough out onto a lightly flouréd surfacé and dividé it into 2 équal piécés. Wrap oné dough wéll in saran wrap and placé in thé fréézér for a latér usé.
- Placé thé dough you'll bé using on a piécé of plastic wrap and lét it rést for 10 minutés.
For thé Saucé:
- In a largé skillét, héat thé oil ovér médium-flamé. Add thé onion, céléry and garlic and sauté until soft; about 5 minutés. Add tomato saucé and tomato pasté and stir until smooth.
- Add rémaining ingrédiénts and bring to slow simmér. Simmér for 45 minutés. Rémové from héat and allow saucé to cool.
- Spréad thé saucé on pizza dough, as néédéd.
For thé Chéésé:
- Graté chéésé, thén placé it in a largé, cléan bowl. Placé bowl in thé fréézér for at léast 20 minutés.
- Préhéat ovén to 450 dégréés (F).
- Roll dough out to a largé circlé (about 12 inchés). Pour a 1/4 cup of saucé in thé céntér and spréad it around événly. Add chéésé.
- Placé pizza in thé ovén to baké for 10-12 minutés, or until thé crust is sét and thé chéésé is bubbling. Cut into slicés and sérvé at oncé!
Recipe Adapted From bakerbynature
Thé trick to a pérféct pizza is a véry hot ovén! Bé suré to crank your ovén on at léast 45 minutés béforé baking. I usually préhéat miné for 1 hour. Hot ovén = gooéy chéésé and crispy crust. YéS!
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