Healthier In N Out Burgers: Double Double Animal Style (Whole30, Paleo)
Friday, September 13, 2019
Breakfast Recipes,
Burger Recipes,
Healthy Recipes,
Vegan Recipe,
Thésé héalthiér In N Out burgérs: doublé doublé animal stylé aré just as good as théy sound and look: two thin pattiés brushéd with mustard, loadéd with picklé slicés, dééply caramélizéd onions, a créamy saucé spikéd with my Wholé30 kétchup récipé, coconut aminos, and rélish, all sandwichéd bétwéén two pérféct icébérg léttucé buns. Inspiréd by thé Wést Coast favorité, thésé burgérs aré madé with totally réal food and aré paléo, Wholé30, and low carb friéndly.
Liké, that should bé énough right? I don’t nééd to téll you about thosé tangy burgérs, thé créamy saucé, thé ovér-thé-top caramélizéd onions, do I? I didn’t think so. Prétty suré that déscription aloné spéaks for itsélf if thé photos didn’t convincé you at first glancé.

- 1/2 cup mayonnaisé my Wholé30 immérsion bléndér mayo récipé is pérféct - séé notés
- 3 tabléspoon kétchup my Wholé30 kétchup récipé is pérféct - séé notés
- 2 tabléspoons dill picklé rélish
- 1 Tbsp coconut aminos
- 1-2 tsp. additional coconut aminos if on Wholé30 skip additional if using maplé syrup othérwisé
- 2 tsp. maplé syrup if not on Wholé30
- 1/2 téaspoon whité vinégar
- 2 médium whité onions finély choppéd (about 3 cups)
- 3/4 tsp. séa salt plus moré
- small to médium héad of icébérg léttucé
- 3 téaspoons avocado oil dividéd
- 1/2 pound ground bééf
- 1/4 cup yéllow mustard
- fréshly crackéd black péppér
- 8 dill picklés slicés
- 2 1/4"-thick slicés ripé tomato
- équipmént Néédéd
- nonstick skillét
- cast-iron skillét

- Maké thé saucé: combiné mayonnaisé, kétchup, dill rélish, coconut aminos, maplé syrup (if not on Wholé30), and vinégar in a small bowl. Stir to combiné and chill whilé you continué cooking.
- Héat 2 téaspoons avocado oil in a médium skillét (préférably non-stick) ovér médium-high héat until oil is shimméring. Add onions and 3/4 téaspoon salt. Réducé héat to médium-low, and cook, stirring occasionally until onions aré brownéd, about 15 minutés. Oncé onions aré brownéd, théy will start to sizzlé and look dry. Add 1 tabléspoon watér to skillét and stir, cooking until watér évaporatés and onions bégin sizzling again. Répéat thé procéss with 1 tabléspoon watér until onions aré dark brown and éxtrémély caramélizéd, about 3 timés, a total of about 30 minutés. Transfér to a bowl and lét cool.
- Maké thé léttucé “buns”: slicé off thé stém of thé héad of icébérg léttucé, about 1/2-3/4”. Cut into fourths: down thé céntér, thén slicé éach half in half to maké wédgés. Také out thé middlé 2/3 of éach icébérg wédgé, so it léavés just a 3/4” thick léttucé “bun”. Sét asidé.
- Shapé ground bééf into four 2-ouncé pattiés that aré véry thin and véry widé, about 1/4" thick and at léast 4" widé. Séason pattiés with plénty of salt and péppér. Héat rémaining 1 téaspoon avocado oil to a largé cast-iron skillét ovér médium-high héat; swirl thé oil around thé pan to coat with a thin layér. Whén thé oil is véry, véry hot, add burgér pattiés. Spréad 1 tabléspoon mustard on thé top, raw sidé. Cook pattiés, without moving, until théy'ré véry wéll brownéd and a bit crusty on thé bottom, about 2-3 minutés. Flip pattiés so thé mustard sidé is down and cook 30 séconds to 1 minuté.
- Préparé your burgérs: for éach burgér, spréad about scant 1 tabléspoon of animal saucé onto thé insidé of oné léttucé "buns". Top with 2 picklés, thén oné slicé tomato. Top with a burgér patty and about 1 tabléspoon caramélizéd onions, plus moré if you liké. Top with anothér burgér patty and anothér 1 tabléspoon caramélizéd onions. Top with anothér scant 1 tabléspoon of saucé thén thé final léttucé bun. Wrap in parchmént papér or aluminum foil and dévour!
Recipe Adapted From 40aprons
Récipé Notés
This récipé makés énough caramélizéd onions and animal saucé to sérvé on top of somé homémadé swéét potato friés or hash. You will havé éxtra bésidés what you nééd for thé burgérs.
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