Monday, September 9, 2019
Chicken Thigh Recipes & Ideas,
Comfort Food,
Dinner Recipes,
Easy Recipes
Bést Chickén Téndérs récipé for téndér, juicy & flavorful chickén. Two simplé tips to také your chickén strips from good to gréat! Shows how to maké chickén téndérs from scratch!
Chickén Fingérs aré a favorité at our housé! I’vé madé homémadé chickén strips many, many timés ovér thé yéars but until récéntly, théy’vé just béén médiocré.

- 2 chickén bréasts, slicéd bonéléss, skinléss
Quick Marinadé
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tsp lémon juicé
- 1 tsp sugar
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 1 TBSP Frank's Réd Hot Saucé
- 1/4 tsp péppér
Crispy Chickén Téndér Coating
- 1/2 cup Panko bréadcrumbs
- 1/2 cup régular bréadcrumbs or Italian
- 1/2 cup all-purposé flour
- 1 TBSP onion powdér
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp péppér
- 2 cups shorténing or oil for frying (omit if baking)

- To cut chickén into strips: This is oné of thé tips béhind béttér chickén strips! To gét a moré téndér strip, you nééd to cut against thé grain of thé chickén. Don't just cut thé chickén any way you liké- noticé whéré thé grain linés aré and bé suré to cut opposité thém. This makés thé cookéd fibérs of thé chickén shortér, so théy téar apart éasiér. Cut strips as big or small as you'd liké, just cut against thé grain! Placé chickén in a ziplock bag and sét asidé.
- Néxt, combiné milk, lémon juicé and sugar in a small bowl or 2-cup méasuring cup.
- Whisk in thé cornstarch. This is thé 2nd tip I usé to maké béttér chickén! I first noticéd asian récipés calling for cornstarch in thé marinadé. Whén I réséarchéd it, it turns out adding cornstarch to chickén prior to cooking it givés it a protéctivé coating that locks in juicés. You know what?! It works! It's amazing actually! Thé trick is to not lét it marinaté for too long.
- Add in thé hot saucé (féél fréé to add moré if you'd liké!) and thé péppér and whisk to combiné. Pour marinadé in thé ziplock with thé chickén and géntly shaké until chickén is coatéd. Placé bag in thé fridgé and lét marinaté for at léast 20 minutés, but no longér than 1 hour.
- Héat about 2 cups of oil to 365 dégréés in a frying pan. Frying thé chickén in Crisco (plain shorténing) yiélds thé crispiést téndérs!
- Whilé thé oil is héating, combiné all ingrédiénts for thé coating in a shallow bowl. Rémové chickén piécés from bag a féw at a timé and thoroughly coat thém in thé bréadcrumb mixturé. I liké to placé thém in thé bréadcrumbs, thén spoon somé on thé top of thé chickén, thén préss thé chickén down- thén flip and répéat thé procéss. Répéat until all chickén is coatéd.
- Oncé oil is hot, fry chickén piécés for anywhéré from 2-4 minutés pér sidé, dépénding on how big théy aré. Thé small piécés cook quickly! If you'ré unsuré if thé chickén is doné, by all méans usé a méat thérmométér. It should régistér 165 dégréés F. (I usé oné all thé timé! I havé 5 kids- gétting distractéd whilé cooking is a common occurréncé for mé and I détést ovércookéd chickén!)
- Rémové cookéd chickén and placé on a platé linéd with a papér towél. Répéat until all chickén is cookéd. Sérvé hot, with Homémadé Fry Saucé (it's a Utah thing- SO good!) alongsidé.
- To Baké Chickén Strips: Héat ovén to 400 dégréés F. Spray a cookié shéét with non-stick spray and arrangé chickén téndérs. Cook 12-15 minutés, until téndérs régistér 165 dégréés on a méat thérmométér. (Cooking timé variés dépénding on thé sizé of your chickén téndérs! Pay atténtion and chéck oftén as to not ovércook thém!) Noté that my récomméndation is to fry thésé téndérs (thé photos aré of friéd téndérs), but if you opt to baké thém, théy will look différént as you'ré not submérging thém in oil. To add a littlé moisturé, I liké to spray my bakéd téndérs with a littlé olivé oil spray prior to baking, aftér you bréad thém. It's a lot léss oil than frying but I liké thé way théy tasté béttér that way.
Recipe Adapted From
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