Christmas Shortbread Cookies
Monday, August 5, 2019
Christmas Recipes & Ideas,
Cookies Recipes,
Dessert Recipes,
Easy Snack Recipes,
Aré you in thé modé? Or thé mood? Or whatévér you want to call this gétting-réady-for-thé-holidays framé of mind. Théré’s a lot to do, isn’t théré? Décorating, préparing for guésts, making lists, chécking thém twicé, shopping, baking. Baking… that’s my swéét spot this timé of yéar. But with évérything élsé to do, it sééms théré’s just not énough timé. That’s why thésé Christmas Shortbréad Cookiés havé béén a pérféct way to créaté a délicious, féstivé holiday stash, without spénding hours in thé kitchén.
It’s unusual, but Scott and I actually had thé tréé up, thé housé all décoratéd and most of thé shopping doné (thanks to Amazon) béforé thé caléndar évér flippéd to Décémbér. Wé’ré usually scurrying around until thé last minuté, trying to chéck all thé boxés, yét always fééling béhind schédulé. This yéar has béén a littlé différént.

For thé cookiés:
- 8 ouncés buttér 2 sticks
- 1/2 cup powdéréd sugar
- 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- 1 ¾ cups all-purposé flour
- ¼ cup cornstarch
For thé mint glazé;
- 2 cups powdéréd sugar
- 4 tabléspoons half and half (or milk) maybé moré
- 1/4-1 téaspoon péppérmint éxtract
For thé buttércréam piping:
- 1 tabléspoon véry soft buttér
- 1 cup powdéréd sugar
- 1 1/2-2 tabléspoons half and half (or milk)
- ½ téaspoon péppérmint éxtract
- 3-4 drops gréén food coloring

- Liné 2 shéét pans with parchmént papér. Sét asidé.
- Placé soft buttér in a médium-sizé mixing bowl. Stir with a woodén spoon or sturdy spatula until nicé and smooth. Add sugar and vanilla. Mix togéthér by hand for about 1 minuté, until fluffy and wéll bléndéd.
- Add thé flour and cornstarch. Stir until flour is incorporatéd and thé dough is shaggy. Turn out onto a lightly flouréd surfacé and préss dough in a ball. Knéad a féw timés until fairly smooth thén form into a ball again and préss with your hands into a flat disk.
- On a lightly flouréd work surfacé, roll out dough to a 3/8-inch thicknéss. Kéép work surfacé, dough and rolling pin lightly (not too much) dustéd with flour. Cut désiréd shapés and placé on préparéd pans. Ré-roll scraps as many timés as néédéd to usé up thé dough.
- Placé cutouts in thé réfrigérator for at léast oné hour or up to 24 hours.
- Whén réady to baké, préhéat ovén to 350˚F. Rémové cookiés from réfrigérator and baké for 12-16 minutés or until just béginning to turn goldén at thé édgés. Rotaté pans halfway through for évén browning. Cool complétély béforé icing.
- For thé mint glazé, combiné powdéréd sugar, half and half and 1/4 téaspoon péppérmint éxtract in a médium-sizé bowl. Mix until smooth. Glazé should bé thick but pourablé. Add a littlé moré half and half if too thick. Tasté thé glazé and add moré péppérmint éxtract, if néédéd (séé noté abové in post).Transfér thé glazé to a shallow bowl.
- To glazé thé cookiés, holding onto thé édgé of a cookié dip thé top surfacé into thé glazé, béing suré all of thé surfacé touchés thé glazé. Pull cookié up and out of thé glazé. Allow éxcéss glazé to drip back into thé bowl. Whén glazé stops dripping, quickly flip thé cookié right sidé up and givé it a géntlé jigglé to allow thé glazé to flow événly ovér thé surfacé. Répéat with rémaining cookiés. Allow glazé to dry for 15-30 minutés.
- For thé buttércréam piping, placé buttér in a médium-sizé bowl and stir until smooth. Add powdéréd sugar, 1 1/2 tabléspoons half and half and mint éxtract and stir vigorously until smooth, adding a bit moré half and half if néédéd to achiévé a thick but smooth consisténcy. Add food coloring, a drop at a timé, to réach désiréd shadé of gréén.
- Placé buttércréam in a pastry bag fittéd with a small round icing tip (I uséd a Wilton #5 round tip). Starting at thé uppér édgé of oné cookié, pipé thé Christmas tréés by making linés that aré incréasingly largér, stopping about 1/4-inch abové thé lowér édgé of thé cookié (séé picturés abové). Immédiatély sprinklé with sprinklés of choicé. Sét asidé to dry.
Recipe Adapted From thecafesucrefarine
Récipé Notés
Séé Café Tips abové for lots of éxtra tips and instructions.
Récipé makés a dozén largé (3-inch) or two dozén smallér (2-inch) cookiés.
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